
October 2024

After running this business for the past three years, we are in touch with some 400 businesses throughout the LU7 area, many of which impress us time and time again. The dedication to great products, service and customer care is what really separates the great from the good.

We also know that a lot of local companies have a really loyal customer following, who really appreciate the way they are treated when dealing with the company. We thought it was about time these companies were recognised for going the extra mile.

In order to acknowledge and celebrate our best local businesses, we have launched the I Love Leighton Buzzard Business Excellence Awards.

To vote for your favourite Leighton Buzzard business, fill in the form and click "count my vote".

Vote here


August 2011

Ark House Vets

September 2011

Luke Cave Hairdressing

October 2011

Jo Alexandra Beauty

November 2011

William Yirrell Ltd

December 2011
